Scouts are expected to wear their uniforms to all Pack and Den activities. This guide shows proper placement of earned rank and achievement patches and other uniform items. Badge placement is the same for both the blue and tan uniform. Second year Webelos Scouts electing to wear the tan uniform wear blue shoulder loops on the epaulets. Uniform inspections will be conducted each month. The Den with the highest percentage of complete uniforms will be recognized at the Pack meeting and will be awarded the Pack Uniform Ribbon on their Den Flag.
Right sleeve Left sleeve
US flag
Den Strip

Quality Unit
Right sleeve: The U.S. flag comes pre-sewn on most Scout shirts.The Den numeral patch should be centered directly below the flag. Sew the most recently earned Quality Unit Award centered with its top four inches down from the shoulder seam. Webelos may elect to wear the Webelos colors. If so, pin it below the Den numeral patch. Wear Webelos activity badges (pins) on the colors.
Left sleeve: Wear the NCAC council shoulder patch adjacent to the shoulder seam. The standard Council patch is shown. Limited edition and special event Council patches can also purchased at the Scout Shop in Bethesda. The pack numeral is worn directly below the council patch. Denner's wear the Denner Cord over the left shoulder.
Right pocket Left pocket
right_pocket Right pocket: Cubs who 'graduated' from Tigers wear the Tiger Cub strip below the right pocket. Cubs who earn the Recruiter Strip wear it below the right pocket (and below the Tiger Strip if applicable). The Compass Points emblem for Webelos Scouts is fastened to the button under the right pocket flap and the flap is then rebuttoned. Compass Points are pinned to the east, south and west spaces, in the order of your choice. Wolves and Bears wear the Progress to Rank badge in this same location. Hanging patches from Camporees an the like are also worn over the right pocket. left_pocket
Left pocket: Wear Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear badges of rank as shown. Webelos Scouts add Webelos badge. The Arrow of Light Award (in metal or cloth) is centered on the flap. Gold Arrow Points are worn beneath the pocket and below the badge for which they were earned. Silver Arrow Points are worn below the Gold Arrow Points in double rows. Wear knot medals, such as the religious emblem knot , just above the pocket seam. Tiger and Cub Service stars are centered just above knots, or 3/8 inch above seam if no knots are worn.
Background disks worn with service stars are orange for Tiger service and gold for Cub Scout service. Multiple service stars should be spaced three-quarters of an inch apart, on center. Cub Scouts can wear their Tiger Cub service star and one Cub Scout service star. Not more than five knots may be worn. Wearing sequence for knots is at the wearer's discretion. The only knots worn by Cub Scouts are the religious emblem knot and a lifesaving or meritorious award knot. As an expression of world brotherhood, the World Crest may be worn centered over the left pocket midway between the top of the pocket and the shoulder seam. Cubs who earn the World Conservation Award may wear it in place of the World Crest or they may elect to where it sewn on the center of the right pocket. Up to five ribbon medals such as for the Pinewood Derby may be worn above the left pocket.
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Acknowledgements: The concept for this page is based upon the Uniform Guide of Pack 53.
Many of the uniform images are used with the kind permission of Pack 215.