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Andrew Riley, Cubmaster
Allie Felder, Pack Committee Chairman
Tina Myers, Pack Treasurer

Our charter organization is the Fairhill Elementary School PTA
3001 Chichester Lane, Fairfax VA 22031

Pack news

Bull Run Battlefield Hike - meet at the visitor's center at 10 am, Saturday March 3. Bring a bag lunch. The hike and tour the battlefield for 3-4 hours. Download the map if you need directions

Cubmaster Mutterings

Thank You all for making our Blue and Gold Banquet such a success!!! I had a great time, and I think we made this a special event for our Cub Scouts. A special thank you to all those who helped put it together.

Spring is almost here, and we must bid farewell to our Webelos 2 scouts as they bridge to Boy Scouts. This is a rite of passage, marking their advancement to a new stage of learning, exploration and maturity. We wish them well as they move on. The Order of the Arrow ceremonial troupe will send them off in style.

We also must say so long to three stalwart leaders who have served the Pack well over the past four years. Woody Ediger, the current Committe Chairperson, has given strong leadership, both in that position and as Assistant Cubmaster.
Tina Myers has filled three different positions simultaneously: Assistant Webelos Den Leader, Pack Treasurer, and Chartering Organization Representative. Her fiduciary skills have helped the Pack immesurably. Finally, our resident chef-cum-Webelos Den Leader, John Campbell, has not only nurtured the boys in his den over the years, but has also nurtured the Pack with his cuisine on our family campouts. Woody, Tina, John, the Pack will miss you.

Fortunately, we have parents who have stepped forward to fill key leadership positions. We will install our new leaders at the April Pack Meeting. They will attend the 12 May Program Launch, at which we will get lots of ideas and guidance about how to make next year the best year ever for Pack 656.

Meanwhile, the fun goes on. We are planning for our Spring Service Project (grounds clean-up at Fairhill ES), Family Camping, Webelos camping at Goshen, our summer program, and the summer camp at Van Dyck park. And then the new year will start. Chip Jackson is ably managing the second iteration of popcorn sales.

Our boys are finishing up their requirements for advancement, and I am proud to see how so many of them have grown over the year. We all look forward to bridging them in May.

Happy Spring and Happy Scouting!!!

Allie Felder
As the snow melts, the rain breezes through, and the temperatures inch upwards, we all look forward to Spring! Soon the grass will be green, the trees will magically sprout green leaves, and we will be able to enjoy outdoor activities. Scouting is about such activities. We are ending our winter indoors activities: the Holiday Party (cancelled by snow), the Pinewood Derby, and our Blue and Gold Banquet. We eagerly anticipate the upcoming outdoor activities: Spring Cleanup, Family Camping, Parent/Son Weekends, our bridging ceremony, Webelos camping at Goshen (the week of the 4th of July) and our yet unplanned pack summer activities.

Just as Spring brings growth and renewal, so the spring and summer months bring change and renewal within our pack. Next month we will bid farewell to our Webelos 2 scouts, as they graduate from our pack and take their next step along the scouting trail. We will grow new leaders and watch the scouts in Pack 656 grow and advance as the school year draws to a close. We look forward to engaging new boys and getting them to walk the pack of scouting.

The wonderful year we have had so far did not just happen. It represents a lot of work on the part of leaders, parents, and scouts. You can see from the way our boys have each grown in their own way, that that modest investment in time and effort produces a tremendous positive result. Scouting is hard work, whether you are a scout trying to earn an activity pin or belt loop, a parent Akela trying to help your son master a new idea as he earns his rank, an adult trying to coordinate the various elements of a special event, or a leader trying to craft a fun, challenging and productive den meeting. Thank you all for all of your effort so far, and thank you in advance for all the effort which will make the rest of the year equally wonderful. Scouts and parents truly help the Pack GO!

Yours in Scouting,

Allie Felder

New leaders! Take the FASTSTART training on-line!
Pack 656 is in the George Mason District of the National Capital Area Council

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